
Dubbing is one of the most expensive and demanding methods of audiovisual content localization , while it is rightfully considered the highest quality. This type of voice-over involves the production of a new audio track of video content in a different language, the semantic content of which fully corresponds to the original soundtrack.
When duplicating, the original speech phonogram is completely replaced by a new one, made in such a way that not only the duration of the phrases coincides, but also the articulation of the actors with the new text and the expressiveness of the game is preserved.
A simplified method of duplication, in which only the beginning and end of phrases coincide without stacking the text, is called "lipsink".

The dubbing actors do not only read the words, but copy the original actors' play. Their lines are arranged in exact accordance with the facial expressions of the characters on the screen. All sound effects correspond exactly to the original version of the sound.

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